Our experts act for both Landlords and Tenants in transactions to provide business premises.
We act for businesses ranging from sole traders finding their first shared office space to multi million pound companies taking substantial premises. The key to any leasehold agreement is the clear understanding of the benefits and risks attached to any transaction and our experts are at hand to provide a’ user guide’ to the complicated world of commercial leasehold law.
Through our fixed fees we are able to provide figures that can be worked into your budget and this allows our client’s to engage with us and tailor the transaction to suit their needs rather than shoe horn them into an inappropriate transaction.
Premises often require more than attention to the property element, we can offer advice on planning, licensing and compliance issues. What use is a well drafted lease to a restaurant if the premises licence is under threat?
We can advise in all aspects of leasehold property including:
“We have used Acumen Business Law several times, not once have they failed to deliver the right result. Highly recommended.”
Kevin Byrne, Checkatrade